Step :
1. Prepare tools : Screwdriver + and - , scissor and cable wire
2. Open Body printer :
3. Detach paper barrier
After detach paper barrier :
4. Detach cables (power & data)
5. Open mainboard :
Chip on red cirle to be focus attention :6. Strecht the cable :
7. Connect cable wire to pin 1-4 (like showed in this picture) :
8. Put mainboad to printer and don’t forget to attach data and power cable to mainboard, and screw mainboard.
9. Turn on the printer. Base on my experience it will work. Notice there’s no blink anymore
10. Turn off the printer.
11. Take mainboard.
12. Detach cable wire which connected to pin 1-4
13. Then put mainboard to printer again (don’t forget to attach data and power cable to mainboard and strength the screw)
14. Turn on the printer again
15. Finish
After step 10, don’t forget to detach cable wire which connected to pin 1-4. If you forget it, computer will read your printer as Epson S 20.